2 in 1 – Zweisam
Ina Geißler und Uschi Niehaus
Uschi Niehaus and Ina Geißler are members of the Women Museum Berlin’s artist network. The two painters – both of whom studied at the Berlin University of the Arts, under the Syrian-German artist Marwan – are concerned with word and image. Uschi Niehaus rubs coloured pigments into paper and then scratches word-fragments out, thereby confronting the power of the word. Ina Geißler cuts and folds letters out of paper, the resulting wordplay steering our glance to what’s beneath the surface.
photos © Gerhard Haug
© Ina Geißler, (K)ein Ei 1 (Symbiosen), 2018, gefaltetes Papier, 51cm x 38cm